Dashboard Lock Type needs 2 buttons ( Lock/ unlock)

Coming from Vera. I used an app to control my locks which had the status and Lock/unlock buttons. This was good because as I am finding out Hubitat current state isn't always correct for my Yale zwave lock. So I'd like to just hit lock again to ensure it is locked and get an updated status.

I tried a few different templates for my lock. I didn't see any that worked and offered 2 buttons. Am I missing something obvious?

Also yes I am trying the Reliable locks 3rd party app to fix the underlying issue.

You could create a virtual switch called ‘lock’ and one called ‘unlock’. Create 2 rules - one for lock, triggered by the virtual switch for lock with the action of locking the lock. Create an identical rule with a trigger of the unlock virtual switch to unlock the lock. Then add both virtual switches to your dashboard.

Not a bad workaround... Ill give that a shot for my most common locks.

My only concern is I have 6 Yale zwave locks. So that would be 2 virtual switches and the lock for status. 3 tiles per lock is 18 tiles.

If you take this approach make sure to have the switch toggle back to off right after turning it on. It will be able to repeatedly trigger your rules this way per how you originally described.