Dashboard Link Tile error..., Enable Custom Dashboard

Just got my family of dashboards to work on a browser and now through the Hubitat app on my iPhone.

The dashboards all work fine and I can jump from dashboard to dashboard with dashboard link as buttons on the page.

I then wanted to try the "Enable Custom Dashboard" so the app would boot up at my home dashboard page. I copied the cloud dashboard link for the home page and pasted it into the URL: for the Custom dashboard. I then launched iPhone app and it opened up directly to my home page. Great so far.

As soon as I pressed one of the buttons to jump to a secondary dashboard page I get the error below. I was puzzled because a) the dashboard worked fine when launched from the dashboard select (bottom center of app) button and all the dashboard link page jumps work fine and b) these were legacy dashboards, not EZ dashboards (although I had a problem with .150 system of legacy dashboards being shown as EZ dashboards) but that was corrected in .153.

..."Dashboard Link Tile only work with Legacy Dashboard links"...

Maybe a simple error where I am using the wrong URL (to kick this off) but any guidance appreciated.