Dashboard Icon Layout

Last night I logged into habitat from my iPhone and notice all the icons are bunched in the upper right hand corner. Even on my desktop they are the same.. I must have done something but damn if I can figure out what.. The settings under the gear icon are correct..
I started manually moving them back but what a pain in the butt it is..
Any suggestions?

restore the previous day's backup and it should change back.

@rlithgow1 Rick,
What option do I select. This is the first time I have restored a backup

The hub database is fine. Make sure it was from a back prior to the issue though

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That did it. Thank you @rlithgow1

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Might be nice to have a foundational feature like backup / restore Dashboard - like HD+ does... saved my bacon numerous times!

What I did find is some of my rules didn't run.. For instance, on one rule, there was a Rule where the Required Expression was True but it said Required Expression False. When I ran update rule it fixed itself. I went thru a bunch of rules and had to select update rule.. I know this evening if this worked...