Dashboard - Calendar Tile?

Is there any way to pull in upcoming events from an online calendar to be displayed on a tile?


Any luck with this. Or just a simple calendar tile?

Hey @joe-hennessy, I use a google Calendar (shared calendar) hosted on a personal website with an security certificate and an iframe Tile to display it on a dashboard (got the driver code from here). not sure if this will help. you have to setup a switch and change the driver to the iframe driver which will get you something that looks like the below. you'll put your webpage that you use, hit save and cycle the button and you should see it update


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I did this and it works well... Within your Google acc't you can create a custom calendar view and incorporate that into the iframe tile mentioned by @scubamikejax904. Go to your Google calendar's settings, scroll down a bit and find the 'Integrate Calendar' section, use the 'customize' button. From there you can create a custom calendar view, copy the link that Google creates and put that into the iframe tile. Just remember to remove the iframe reference from the Google link, the tile will add that by itself. Works like a charm...

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