Just installed the 2.0 beta on my Samsung S23+.
Lots of screens are complete unreadable. Phone is in dark mode, if it matters.
Bottom button on add device and smartstart screens looks 'greyed out' but is selectable.
Smartstart manual add device screen is just a giant white box with a radio button. No text is readable.
No way to back out or cancel out of the manual smartstart entry creation screen that I can see either.
Everything I have tried so far appears to work correctly. I do find that the menu icons at the bottom of the screen are difficult to see when using dark mode. I was outside when I originally set this up and didn't even realize they were there at first.
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Agreed dark mode makes all of the settings menus illegible for me. Also, I'm unable to define geofence as the map never loads for me. Pixel 8 Pro
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Just to make sure I didn't miss anything. There still is no theme option, correct?
With the new UI just released, that yellow highlight focus in dark mode renders the contained text illegible, until it fades back to background color.
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