Custom dashboard and user experience (UX)

Using Maker API and the eventsocket it's absolutely possible to effectively do anything you want in a custom dashboard. I've created a comprehensive dashboard based on 3D plan views of our home to allow touch control & visualisation of everything we need (e.g. lights, AC's, buttons, mode, presence, motion, weather, temp/pressure/humidity, siren/alarm, sleep pads, lux, webcams including motion and object detection courtesy of tinyCAM, etc.) along with other pages linked to various standard HE dashboards running in iFrames, HSM, news sources, media/Spotify, home/emergency info, contact owner (we sometimes Airbnb), sketch/note pads etc. It's all in html/Javascript/Css running under Apache2 on a Pi.

We will have 2 of these dashboards running on wall panels, one upstairs and one downstairs, going in after our property refurb.

I'm also thinking about adding some small displays in bedrooms to allow a cut-down set of commands/status mostly focused on that room. So yeah, if you want to emulate an existing system for small control requirements that's also possible for sure.

It's been fun to build but a stack of work. Setting up a great UI is always difficult unless you are really skilled in CSS (which I'm absolutely not). Once you get the basics set up it's mostly about interpreting the often messy JSON that gets spat out by HE into its eventsocket and then how to make it pretty and useable in the UI.

More info here....