I have three custom commands for my SimpliSafe Alarm. One for away, one for home and one for off. All three stopped working in RM after my firmware update. The custom commands appear to work when I select a test device in custom command configuration. But when I try to trigger it via an RM, nothin happens. I don't even see a log entry.
As a test, I rolled by HE back to and my custom commands work just fine. Here is the code for the device driver:
* SimpliSafe integration for SmartThings
* Copyright 2015 Felix Gorodishter
* Modifications by Scott Silence
* Modifications by Toby Harris - 2/10/2018
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
preferences {
input(name: "username", type: "text", title: "Username", required: "true", description: "SimpliSafe Username")
input(name: "password", type: "password", title: "Password", required: "true", description: "SimpliSafe Password")
input(name: "ssversion", type: "enum", title: "SimpliSafe Version", required: "true", description: "Alarm system version", options: ["ss1", "ss2", "ss3"])
metadata {
definition (name: "SimpliSafe", namespace: "tobycth3", author: "Toby Harris") {
capability "Alarm"
capability "Polling"
// capability "Contact Sensor"
capability "Carbon Monoxide Detector"
capability "Presence Sensor"
capability "Smoke Detector"
capability "Temperature Measurement"
capability "Water Sensor"
command "off"
command "home"
command "away"
command "update_state"
attribute "events", "string"
attribute "messages", "string"
attribute "status", "string"
def installed() {
def updated() {
def init() {
log.info "Setting up Schedule (every 5 minutes)..."
// handle commands
def off() {
log.info "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Off'"
setState ('off')
def home() {
log.info "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Home'"
setState ('home')
def away() {
log.info "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Away'"
setState ('away')
def update_state() {
log.info "Refreshing SimpliSafe state..."
def setState (alState){
//Check Auth first
def timeout = false;
if (alState == "off")
try {
httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmOff"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ]){response ->}
} catch (e) {
timeout = true;
log.debug "Alarm SET to OFF Error: $e"
else if (alState == "home")
try {
httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmHome"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ]){response ->}
} catch (e) {
timeout = true;
log.debug "Alarm SET to HOME Error: $e"
else if (alState == "away")
try {
httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmAway"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ]){response ->}
} catch (e) {
timeout = true;
log.debug "Alarm SET to AWAY Error: $e"
log.info "Invalid state requested."
//If not a timeout, we can poll immediately, otherwise wait 10 seconds
if (!timeout) {
} else {
//There was a timeout, so we can't poll right away. Wait 10 seconds and try polling.
runIn(10, poll)
def poll() {
//Check Auth first
log.info "Executing polling..."
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("refresh"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
//Check alarm state
sendEvent(name: "alarm", value: response.data.subscription.location.system.alarmState)
sendEvent(name: "status", value: response.data.subscription.location.system.alarmState)
log.info "Alarm State1: $response.data.subscription.location.system.alarmState"
//Check temperature
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.temperature != null) {
sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: response.data.subscription.location.system.temperature, unit: "dF")
log.info "Temperature: $response.data.subscription.location.system.temperature"
//Check messages
if (settings.ssversion == "ss3") {
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0] != null)
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "alert")
sendEvent(name: "messages", value: response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].text)
log.info "Messages: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].text}"
//Check for alerts
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].category == "alarm")
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "alarm")
log.info "Message category: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].category}"
//Carbon Monoxide sensor alerts
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType == "C0 Detector")
sendEvent(name: "carbonMonoxide", value: "detected")
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "carbonMonoxide")
log.info "Message sensor: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType}"
//Smoke sensor alerts
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType == "Smoke Detector")
sendEvent(name: "smoke", value: "detected")
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "smoke")
log.info "Message sensor: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType}"
//Temperature sensor alerts
//if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType == "Freeze Sensor")
//sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: "??")
//sendEvent(name: "status", value: "temperature")
//log.info "Message sensor: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType}"
//Water sensor alerts
if (response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType == "Water Sensor")
sendEvent(name: "water", value: "wet")
sendEvent(name: "status", value: "water")
log.info "Message sensor: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages[0].data.sensorType}"
sendEvent(name: "messages", value: "none")
sendEvent(name: "carbonMonoxide", value: "clear")
sendEvent(name: "smoke", value: "clear")
//sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: "??")
sendEvent(name: "water", value: "dry")
log.info "Messages: ${response.data.subscription.location.system.messages}"
//Check events
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("events"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
if (response.data.events[0] != null) {
sendEvent(name: "events", value: response.data.events[0].messageBody)
log.info "Events: ${response.data.events[0].messageBody}"
//Set presence
def alarm_state = device.currentValue("alarm")
log.debug "presence alarm_state: ${alarm_state}"
def alarm_presence = ['OFF':'present', 'HOME':'present', 'AWAY':'not present']
def presence_value = alarm_presence.getAt(alarm_state)
log.debug "presence value ${presence_value}"
sendEvent(name: 'presence', value: alarm_presence.getAt(alarm_state))
//log.info "Alarm State2: $response"
def apiLogin() {
//Login to the system
log.info "Executing Login..."
//Define the login Auth Body and Header Information
def authBody = [ "grant_type":"password",
"password": settings.password ]
def authHeader = [ "Authorization":"Basic NGRmNTU2MjctNDZiMi00ZTJjLTg2NmItMTUyMWIzOTVkZWQyLjEtMC0wLldlYkFwcC5zaW1wbGlzYWZlLmNvbTo=" ]
try {
httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("initAuth"), headers: authHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", body: authBody ]) { response ->
state.auth = response.data
state.auth.respAuthHeader = ["Authorization":state.auth.token_type + " " + state.auth.access_token]
state.auth.tokenExpiry = now() + 3600000
} catch (e) {
//state.token =
//Check for valid UID, and if not get it
if (!state.uid)
//Check for valid Subscription ID, and if not get it
//Might be able to expand this to multiple systems
if (!state.subscriptionId)
def getUserId() {
//check auth and get uid
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
state.uid = response.data.userId
log.info "User ID: $state.uid"
def getSubscriptionId() {
//get subscription id
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("subId"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
String tsid = response.data.subscriptions.location.sid
state.subscriptionId = tsid.substring(1, tsid.length() - 1)
log.info "Subscription ID: $state.subscriptionId"
def checkAuth()
log.info "Checking to see if time has expired...."
//If no State Auth, or now Token Expiry, or time has expired, need to relogin
//log.info "Expiry time: $state.auth.tokenExpiry"
if (!state.auth || !state.auth.tokenExpiry || now() > state.auth.tokenExpiry) {
log.info"Token Time has expired, excecuting re-login..."
//Check Auth
try {
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
return response.status
} catch (e) {
httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
return response.status
def apiLogout() {
httpDelete([ uri: getAPIUrl("initAuth"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ]) { response ->
if (response.status == 200) {
state.subscriptionId = null
log.info "Logged out from API."
def getTime()
def tDate = new Date()
return tDate.getTime()
def getAPIUrl(urlType) {
if (urlType == "initAuth")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/api/token"
else if (urlType == "authCheck")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/api/authCheck"
else if (urlType == "subId" )
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/users/$state.uid/subscriptions?activeOnly=false"
else if (urlType == "alarmOff" )
if (settings.ssversion == "ss3")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/off"
if (settings.ssversion == "ss2")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state?state=off"
else if (urlType == "alarmHome" )
if (settings.ssversion == "ss3")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/home"
if (settings.ssversion == "ss2")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state?state=home"
else if (urlType == "alarmAway" )
if (settings.ssversion == "ss3")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/away"
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state?state=away"
else if (urlType == "refresh")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/"
else if (urlType == "events")
return "https://api.simplisafe.com/v1/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/events?numEvents=1"
log.info "Invalid URL type"
Here is the rule:
Here is a screen shot of the events. During the time between 6:02 and 6:14, I tested the alarm on/off switch 3 times. The driver was never activated.