Currently using Homekit w/o Hubitat

Good evening. I just recently received my Hubitat C8. I haven't set it up yet. I'm currently using Homekit with my devices. In order to get Hubitat's local processing, should I remove all the devices from Homekit, get them added into Hubitat then setup the Homekit integration, so everything is then handled through Hubitat?

Hope that makes sense.


What kind of devices are they? Not all HomeKit compatible devices are going to easily work with Hubitat directly. Most of them are probably Wifi and may not have a Hubitat integration.

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In your shoes I'd set up the integration, then remove one device you want to try first (from Homekit) and try installing it into Hubitat.

As Jeff suggested, a device that works in one host hub doesn't necessarily mean it will work (or work as well) in a different host hub. I'd presume one reason to get into Hubitat at this stage is to get a little extra control over a device(s) already in HomeKit (aside from curiosity about how you might consider growing your smart home). If not sure what you want to do just yet, give yourself some simple goals in small steps. If I've read you wrong, my apologies.


There is no easy way to get the status of a device out of HomeKit and into Hubitat. So having the devices paired with Hubitat is good.

It is possible to kludge status from simple on/off type devices but more complex textual or numeric status values you canโ€™t get from HK. E.g. temperatures, humidity, โ€˜fullโ€™ etc

@user6635 The majority of your homekit devices will have to stay on home kit. They will not be z-wave or zigbee. If any are wifi based, look at the official compatibility list to see if an integration is available. For the devices remaining on home kit, you can do some control with virtual switches.

After your hubitat is set up, install the Homekit integration app. Use the QR to add to homekit. Understand this is only 1-WAY. Only devices connected to hubitat can be brought into homekit. Homekit devices cannot be brought directly into hubitat.

Now you can create virtual switches on hubitat and expose those to home kit. Then when homekit sees those virtual switches do something, homekit will do something.

Thanks for all the responses. I have some Philips Hue bulbs, Nest doorbell, august door lock, Ecobee thermostat and MyQ garage door opener. My main reason of going with Hubitat is to gain more local control.

I would think that most have set up their smart home prior to getting Hubitat (or another hub), so I guess what I'm really wondering (asking) is how (or what's the best way) to transition over to Hubitat.

Thanks again to everyone for their responses.

Ecobee can be moved directly to hubitat, my q can with the community driver. (Available in Hubitat Package Manager)

If you are using a hue bridge with the hue bulbs you can directly integrate the bidge into hubitat (and with hue bulbs being the way they are, it's best to keep them on their own bridge) and have full control of them from hubiat. For the rest virtual switches on hubitat should suffice. For instance, create a virtual lock switch on hubitat. Expose that to Homekit. Write your rule on hubitat with what ever trigger. If trigger turns on the virtual lock, homekit will see that and can lock the lock or unlock. Eventually transition to z-wave, zigbee, and matter devices. Keep your homekit stuff (like apple tv and homepods) and use those for matter. The c8 is in matter beta if you want to join.

Yea, sounds familiar [g].

FWIW, despite the advice given here I had moved most of my Hue bulbs into HE (Hubitat Elevation), along with all the motion sensors. It worked out well enough, but after a year toying with it all, I put all the bulbs back into Hue. I got to see that while it had worked out with bulbs in HE, the communication between zigbee devices improved when put back into Hue. The only activity that's scripted in HomeKit now is for the Starling Hub Nest thermostats - the motions, switches, and time scheduled activities are set up in HE.

Having voice control over it all with Siri, but with the brains of it all mostly in HE is what I hoped I could accomplish - and more so my wife is pleased with it all too. They often say, "Every day is a school day." It's been quite the educational year in this regard (not w/o head-banging periods). Not that I'm a master now at all of this - just a master of my own devices at the moment. :innocent:

Here's to your journey with it. :toast:


Thanks Bob.

I have a feeling it's going to be quite the journey. Appreciate the support here.

Just FYI, MyQ has been aggressively stymieing all unofficial integrations lately (not just Hubitat), so if I were you, I'd plan to ditch MyQ sooner than later.

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The reason for that is they're ZLL 1.2 bulbs and make very bad repeater/messengers and do not play well with ZHA devices (sensors and what not). It's always recommended having them on their own mesh using either a hue bridge or another hubitat.

Are you using a Philips Hue Bridge for these bulbs? If so, there is no reason to remove them from HomeKit. I have my Hue bridge integrated with Apple HomeKit directly. I also use Hubitat's built-in Hue Bridge integration. Works great for my needs. No need to share the Hue devices from Hubitat to HomeKit using this architecture.

Both integrations, the Hue bridge HomeKit & the Hubitat Hue integration are 100% local.

Same as above. Leave the Ecobee connected to HomeKit using its native HomeKit integration. This is 100% local.

The Hubitat Ecobee integration is cloud-based.

I have two Ecobee thermostats, both directly connected to HomeKit, and both using Hubitat's cloud integration.

I don't have any Nest doorbell, August lock, or MyQ gdo experience.

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You can probably get your Nest Doorbell into Hubitat via [RELEASE] Google SDM API - Nest integration.

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[chuckle] I never doubted the advice picked up here, but it went against my initial 'mission' so I had to see for myself what I could get away with. That mission was to try to get by with only HE and Homekit hubs. But at the time I had little insight to the depth and breadth of the DIY smart home realm and all it covers. Eventually, it got sorta like the supermarket scene in Moscow On The Hudson.
