CT-101 Radio Thermostat Setup Howto

Great suggestions. I'll give it a shot. I did upgrade the hub firmware before I left today, so we'll see if that has any effect. Thanks again for the help.

My biggest concern is that the t-stat temperature display isn't in agreement with the reported temp from it in HE. Hopefully running through the fixes you suggest will get it back in sync.

Thanks again.

Did you get any resolution to this?

I have two thermostats--the CT-101 and the CT-100--and both them have intermittent issues like this--reporting and setting issues. Sometimes the thermostat scheduler will change the setpoint on one thermostat but fail on the other--and the log shows now issues. Today, a rule engine app successfully set one thermostat to "cool" but did nothing to the other. Again, the log gives me no information as to why. I added some more z-wave devices to the home and repaired, thinking that the z-wave network might be weak, but that didn't seem to resolve the issue.

I never did get it working properly. The resolution I achieved was by replacing the CT-101 with a Zen Zigbee Edition thermostat only to find that I was having the same issue. With a lot of help from Mike Maxwell, we found that the thermostat scheduler sends the command once, but sometimes it happens too fast for the thermostat to register and respond when it sends the change so that the thermostat reverts back to the previous setting. Meanwhile, the scheduler does not track whether the command to change was received or not so it just waits for the next event and does not re-send the command to change. Hopefully, I summed it up correctly.

The one thing I can think of is to have your rule check the set point. If it changed, then the rule does nothing. If it failed to change, then send the change again. How to construct such a rule is up to you though. I found that with rare exception now, the generic Zigbee Thermostat Driver is working properly. I don't think the issue is confined to Z-Wave, but I hope that the recent updates will help with this.

I know this thread is kind of old but I just recently got my HE C7 and I'm working through getting my devices converted over from ST.
I have two radio thermostat CT101's that have the WIFI modules in them. I have been wanting to convert these from WIFI to Z-Wave. I have one Z-Wave Plus plugin module that I am using for testing. I have gone through the process of factory reset on it and then put it into Mate mode. I tried the Z-Wave inclusion but HE doesn't find this device.
Any thoughts?
Update to this. I got HE to recognize my thermostat and include it.
The trick was to put HE into inclusion mode first then hit MATE twice on the thermostat. It connected quickly.
Hope this helps someone else.