Creating a vacation setup when a button is pressed


I have a Hubitat 8 Pro and various Lutron Dimmers and Picos.

I have a 2 button Pico where I have set Button 2 to switch on and off lights based on waiting actions for various times. Screenshot of the actions for Button 2 below using the "Button Controllers" app.

I would like to set Button 1 to cancel all the actions that Button 2 is waiting to action and to switch on a different set of dimmers.

How do I setup Button 1 to cancel the actions of button?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Button 2 Hallway|690x382

Change your button commands into a rule. Have the button run the rule. Then you can have your button pause the rule.

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The first action of Button 1 should be Cancel Rule Timers for Button 2. This will wipe out any remaining actions on Button 2.

This is great! Thank you for this :slight_smile: