Creating a expression for an IF-THEN action

I'm trying to create a specific expression- IF Sunset < 6:30PM THEN (perform action). It doesn't seem to allow me to create that type of expression.

I'm not sure that comparison works in the way you'd like to use it.

I dont think "<" == "before" in terms of time in RM, but i could very well be wrong.

I would suggest a trigger of "When time is Sunset".

Then use a Conditional Action

IF Time between 12:00 PM and 6:30 PM THEN

You could also do a nested condition with some other trigger.


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Do you want to post a screenshot or provide more details of what you are trying to do with your rule?

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I can try that approach, since I have the rule triggered 1 hour before sunset. I'll have the IF-THEN conditional set between 2pm and 6:30pm.


Ah. You used the offset. Good idea.

Im trying to think of how the offset might affect the result after triggering, and in my head it seems to work....

Let me know if your rule works as intended.