Crc16Encap support for Fibaro devices

I have 2 of the Fibaro Smoke Sensors FGSD-002

They pair ok and using and using the generic Z-wave driver, the battery level Is reported ok but they wont report smoke. Would It just be a case of updating this driver with this CRC16 encap code?

Here are my logs -

Many Thanks

Yes, that's exactly the issue, we'll get this updated.


Hi. I have been using the official Fibaro driver for these, but there still seem to be some problems with it. For example I am not getting the battery level.

@Kev, you mention that you are using the Generic Z-Wave driver. Do you mean the Generic Z-Wave Smoke Detector driver ? I am unable to get that to provide Battery and temperature (which I get with the official driver).

@mike.maxwell, would it be possible for the Hubitat staff to port over the official DTH so that we can get the device fully working ? I simply don´t have the skills myself to figure out what to change to get a 100% working driver. All of the Offical Fibaro DTHs are linked here: Adding handlers to FIBARO devices in SmartThings Classic | FIBARO Manuals

I'm confused, you say the Hubitat driver is working, but you want us to port a third party driver?

No, sorry to confuse you. I am using my own converted driver, downloaded from the Fibaro Github (search and replace for physicalgraph). I am not aware of a Hubitat driver for the Fibaro FGDS-0002. I just looked in the list after reading Kev's comment above, but it is not in my list of drivers. I am on the latest Firmware.

For the most part the driver seems to work, but it does not give me battery, although there are some lines for battery in the DTH, but they don´t report as most likely there is some more converting to do.

This is what I see:


I realize there are probably quite a number of other tasks that are higher priority than this for you and your colleagues.

Even though the driver has been updated, Its still not working with my 2 smoke detectors.If you want me to post some logs then not a problem, just ask.

Is there a smoke detector that Is proven to work well In the UK?

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I take it you still mean the generic Z-Wave Smoke Detector driver ? I found that I was still missing battery with that one. I did not try to get an alarm going.

I only have 1 smoke detector, but I am looking to buy more, obviously I want something that will work, but also it should not look like a brick, so therefore I like the Fibaro ones. They are also quite economical. I usually order from (based in the UK), and their assortment of Smoke Detectors is ok, but the only thing that grabs my attention is Fibaro.

I am sure that adapting the official driver to Hubitat is not a big project, but it is too tall an order for me as I don´t have any programming experience.

I would actually be willing to donate some money to anyone willing to convert the Smartthings driver to a working one for Hubitat.

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Hi @mike.maxwell, sorry to hijack the thread but I would like to know if crc8 would be supported in hubitat. I would like to try to convert this code here to Hubitat sinope-gt125/ at b45e428a65c22b5ab9f60176f2a4894042365e67 · claudegel/sinope-gt125 · GitHub but to do so I would need support to crc8. Is this possible?