Crashing Hub

People have reported that if you have 'ghost z-wave devices', devices that you have forced removed that the hub still thinks exist, could cause issues. This is what @vjv had I believe.
I did mention in a post that it would be nice if someone has fixed this put an idiots guide together so that we can check for them and remove them.
It hasn't appeared yet from anyone so perhaps it hasn't been done by anyone yet.

EDIT: I see that @vjv has confirmed this above.


A WiFi switch to have the ability to reboot remotely? At least you can boot if completely frozen. It’s the sole reason I purchased one.


Wallpaper on a hole in the wall, I guess. Which WiFi switch did you get?

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Totally agree. I bought a Belkin WeMo switch that I can control remotely to reboot the hub by powering down/up should I need to.

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Ok guys, what's the size of your database?

Mine is about 25M

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Mine is 20.9M.
Not having any issues.

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How do you find this information?

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mine is 4.1M

Go to Settings then Backup/Restore

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HE staff doesn’t encourage just pulling plug to restart and suggest using then restart option in UI if possible. Otherwise power loss may cause database to corrupt. If possible VPN into network to restart.

Would be nice if RM could restart hub on a periodic basis.


Except that the administrative portal is unavailable when the hub has frozen or crashed. No choice here. I'm looking for a way to mitigate the fact that the hub is non-responsive, or I would otherwise employ the reboot option in the portal.

If we're looking for a way to automate the periodic reboot, we have bigger problems than missing functionality.


I totally agree with you, but needed that ability whilst working away too. For the sake of a few quid, kept my WAF where I need it to be. I went for one which would use the Magic Home app, as I already have one of their LED drivers. It’s a “break in case of emergency” approach.


Agree but there's not much choice when you have a frozen hub in the morning and have to leave the house. I have a Zigbee switch from Wink2 as a remote power cycle.


If it’s broke it’s broke. And only pulling the plug will resolve that I’m afraid.

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maybe i should bring my ST hub to life to power cycle HE.. bad joke. sorry

or one of these so I can yell at alexa to power cycle the hub.


Agreed and purchased. At least that'll keep my from being divorced next time we speak. :rofl:


How very dare you :joy:

I just come home to everything unplugged. She knows just how to push my buttons :rofl:


I hope there is a better answer than power cycle my hub ver unusable

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