Crashing hub - I guess I'm not the only one

I support 3 C8 hubs at 3 different locations, ranging from very complex, medium, and at the low end, 3 light bulbs, 2 smart plugs, and 1 switch.

ALL of them lock up randomly, varying from every 2 weeks to maybe at most monthly. As of right now, 2 of the sites are remote, unmanned, and I'm having to scramble to figure out a secondary automation system to reboot the C8's on a smart plug. (I'm contemplating bringing my Smartthings back out of the closet...) The hubs all hard lock. No lights, no ping, no arp entries in the switches they are connected to. They are effectively bricks until power cycles. It also isn't heat related, I just had one lock up with daytime high temps around 30 degrees F.

I've seen a number of threads about this, all generally blaming apps/devices, but... This seems like endemic to the C8 product itself.

So... I guess I'm not sure what I'm asking... Anyone have any thoughts how to gain stability, otherwise I'm going to have to move off the C8 platform entirely.

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Do a local backup, download it, then restore right away. Same thing that is being recommended to everyone else as a first step.

This can be done remote.

If you track free memory at all, hubs maybe be running out of memory due some sort of issue that has come up recently and a restore/soft reset fixes it.

If that’s not helping see this post for additional details that may be needed. Hub Keeps Crashing - #2 by jtp10181


That's a new symptom we haven't seen before. Usually, users who report hubs locking up, they report having hub's LEDs green and most of the cases are traced back to local network issues. If your hubs don't show any lights, do they use the power supply that came with the hubs? Do you have them plugged into the same UPS model?

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Why not schedule a reboot job ? once a week

That's weird. Never seen that before. Which power supply are you using?


Wondering how they know it has no LED when they are not on site and rebooting via a smart plug?

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A "locked" hub, while it may seem the same problem based on user's experience, it could be caused by many different things ranging from user's mobile device being connected to a different network than the hub, to corrupted database due to brief power failure, to hub being overloaded with apps/devices errors and many variations of local network connectivity issues. Isolating which case fits your issue is the key to its resolution. And yes, in rare cases, it could be the hardware itself, but having 3 hubs exhibiting the same symptoms, is extremely unlikely to be a hardware issue.