Cost of C8

If it works like ordering one for NZ then GST is not included when buying from Hubitat, but if you buy from Amazon, they will add GST to the price. So cheaper buying directly from Hubitat :slight_smile:

The price of the hub comes in under the NZ requirement to pay duty or GST on it, so hopefully it’s the same for you guys

Except for booze, cigs, weed, and gas.

EDIT: You know, the 4 food groups.


I was just curious, as anyone selling to Aussie customers are supposed to register with the ATO and collect GST - although that only applies to international businesses with Aus revenues over $75k AUD p/a.

Yep, the same as here in NZ then :slight_smile:

Just in case anyone in the UK is interested.

Ultimately it does seem like it is the Government and the shipping companies that are taking the $$$. If we want to see that change, it feels like we need to make the cost of the smart home and election issue in those countries where it hits hardest..... :wink: That said... good luck with that in NZ @mattias for the small news grab I heard about the interesting power sharing arrangement there atm....

Hilariously it was the previous Federal conservative gov that brought in the GST for sub $1k imports.

I say hilarious, because they claim to be the party of low tax, but by the end of their 9 years in power we had higher taxes than ever.

Although Maybe they really meant for their big corporate donors and voters have been too lazy to scrutinise their handiwork? :thinking:

Maybe Hubitat need to start charging more for them to start caring how much tax they are.... oh, hang on.... :wink: 10% on $130 - 150 is ok by me... :slight_smile:

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Maybe this topic should be called Cost of Living :wink: Seems the popular term down our way atm..

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When Trump was president, he imposed rounds of tariffs on Chinese imports -- Democrats and business alike screamed loudly to no avail. This was essentially punishing US businesses for doing business with Chinese companies. Hubitat got hit by these tariffs since our hub is assembled in China.

When Biden was elected, I had hoped we'd see some roll back of these tariffs. Unfortunately that has not been the case, as the Biden administration has kept all of them in place. As a student of economics, I'm appalled by this, as it simply harms everyone; and, it's abundantly clear that it has no meaningful political impact. Ouch.


No comment :flushed:

Yeah the same is true for us, our Center left gov is too scared to revoke that tax and some other stupid economic policies, as they don’t want to be beaten up by the Australian right wing billionaire owned media companies.

So I posted a different thread on the same day as this regarding a problem with cloud backups affecting z-wave devices on a C8. I wish it had as many useful replies from hubitat support as this thread does!!!!!!!

There’s one reply from one staff member in this thread.

Well that's still one more....

It’s possible the other thread you’re referring to is a duplicate of a known issue they’ve been trying to pin down. Here’s another recent thread.

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It impacts the c7 too. It has improved a lot, but is still very intermittent. In fact it happened to me this morning for the first time in weeks.

What is everyone doing to recover from this? Restore from backup including z-wave restore or shutting down fully and pulling the power cord for a minute or two or something else? Last time I did the restore which worked for me. The time before when I didn't know what was causing the problem everything got in a right old state and I ended up trashing my z-wave entirely and starting from scratch as I only have a handful of z-wave devices.

This has moved off-topic. Questions about backups, Z-Wave, etc. all have other homes and answers elsewhere.

This topic has run its course.