I'm trying to copy a set of actions from one rule to another.
It seems this feature went from unintuitive to now broken/missing. The documentation still refers to this but I don't see it. What's going on here, am I missing something or is this now broken?
Select actions from source rule, publish clipboard:
Thanks for confirming it works for you, it could be that it only works if I navigate between rules in the same tab. When I get a minute I'll try that. I had each rule open in a different Chrome tab.
Open the other rule and navigate to its Select Actions to Run page.
Doing this step at the point where it is indicated is key, as it's not tabs (or windows, etc.) that matter, it's the fact that opening the main page of the rule is what makes it search for exported clipboards from other rules. This step as written will make that happen.
That being said, I'm not sure if there's a good reason for that happening here as opposed to on the "Select Actions to Run" page directly, so maybe that could be changed to make this less of an issue... [EDIT: it will not be changed, as this is apparently a somewhat expensive process and so is done on the main page where it will occur less frequently than on the "Select Actions to Run" page; therefore, the documented steps will remain the way to go.]