Cool Idea for hidden button

I wonder how hard it would be to adapt/wire a smart button to this thing :slight_smile:

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I would just wire a contact sensor across the in-built button
Should be fairly easy if you can physically fit the contact sensor into the bust


Iā€™m having a very hard time stopping myself from buying this

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OMGosh! LOVE IT! Would be great for a door opener or something. Or something off the wall. Definitely a contact sensor wired to the button.
I am having a hard time not buying.

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I've got a SmartThings button teardown somewhere on the forums here. I've got a few extra that I'd be tempted to do something like this with.

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OMG - that's amazing! Now does anyone has a fully Hubitat controlled Batcave to go with it? Complete with sliding bookcase entryway?


I'm almost willing to build one!

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