Controlling thermostat scheduler via Rule Machine

In my flat i got 4 thermostats on radiators. All are controlled by C-8. Mainly thermostat scheduler is controlling thermostats accordingly to time tables.
I got the idea to implement functionality for airing the rooms. So i have a button in app that initiate the airing process so it:

  1. disable the scheduler that controls thermostat in room in which i want to do airing
  2. set heating set point to 5 deg C (generally it close the valve), right now my driver doesn't support controlling with On/Off (but i hope one day I will get more support from very helpful guy @kkossev :slight_smile: )
    ok now I can open the window and do airing, after few minutes i click button once again and
  3. enable the scheduler that controls thermostat in room in which i did the airing
  4. here i would like to initiate the button in Configure Thermostat Scheduler is described as "Set Scheduled Temperatures", so it writes to thermostat heating set point accordingly to the time table from the scheduler.

    I've checked what I can do, picture above but I don't see that option, or I'm missing something?

Right now I'm dealing with it that in first part i write current set point to temp value and in second part I'm rewriting value from temp value to thermostat as set point. But maybe there is a simpler solution?

Activate Scheduled Setpoints does what you need for step 4.

ok, works thanks :slight_smile: