I have seen a few post from long ago but no one seem to have resolved it. Is there a way to control Pentair pool equipment through Hubitat?
Yes there sure is. Pretty sure if you do a search for Pentair Screen Logic, you’ll see it.
Edit: I just did. Here you go: Pentair ScreenLogic - #11 by thorleo
Indeed I saw that post from 5-6 years ago but that stuff does not work.
I'm also looking for a solution
The old Hubitat one used to work, but I haven't tried it in a long, long time.
This is the type of thing I just do in home assistant, as it has a lot more built-in integrations for lan devices (including one for pentair controllers).
Then if needed I bring it back over to hubitat via HA <--> Hubitat integration. It isn't for everyone, but I find the combination of using both Home Assistant AND hubitat to be very powerful and useful. HA in a VM, in an rpi, or a HA Green box, is a quick and easy way to get that done since you can use Hubitat for the zigbee and zwave radios.
I also use Home Assistant for Screen Logic.
OK so I gave up and decided to create a new HA instance in a VM on an always on PC. Was able to bring it all into HE and can control just fine. However the control of the SPA through the HE dashboard is very limited. I can show it a Bulb and it works but is there anyone that can suggest a better looking dashbord tile?
Did you look at the GitHub integration — works for me—just double checked.
Though I agree with @JasonJoel — for less vanilla integrations my go to is HA and then I use HADB to move the devices to HE to run automations, as necessary.
Not a fan of HE dashboards personally. A second reason I use HA: dashboards.
What integration are you referring to? Did you mean using the HA dashboards?
No. Distinct from dashboards, somebody developed apps and drivers for Hubitat that integrates PSL. The link I provided above references the GitHub. page with the code and installation directions. This is what I used a few years ago to set it up. It’s been rock solid since.
Well I gave up on some functions of HE. It was kind of easy with HA. Now I am running both HA and HE in the same house. See my dashboard
I think a lot of people are. The systems have different strengths.
Some things are easier on HA, and some things are easier (or more reliable, or simpler) to do on Hubitat.
And that's OK!
Saying a specific thing is easier on System A should not automatically be considered a criticism of System B. There will never be a single system that is better at EVERYTHING.