Control MusicMode on Aqara T1 - Actuator Command?

Hi Everyone

I'm hoping for some help which I suspect is quite obvious to others but I cannot find my way to do it.

I purchased an Aqara T1 recently and successfully added it to Hubitat - I can control all the functions from the device page below.

I'd like to create a rule which involves turning Music Mode on/off. With other devices with commands I have simply used the Actuator functionality within Custom Action within Rule Machine. This would push the "button" in the device. However Musicmode looks like it needs me to send "on" or "off" as part of that command.

Actuator lets me add a String with a String value but putting in "On" does not turn the Musicmode on in the device page.

What am I missing? I feel its obvious but the method is lost on me.


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Try sending 'on' string parameter (without the capital letter). The driver should ignore the letter cases, but currently, this non-case-sensitive comparison is missing in the Aqara LED Strip T1 driver.


AHHH - amazing

I was so close!!!!

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