Control ERV based on AQI Sensor

I really struggle with using Rule Machine...I feel like it has a steep learning curve for some reason.

Anyways, I have a PurpleAir Sensor (integrated with HE already) to measure the air quality in our house. When one of the values reaches 45, I want to switch on our ERV (it's already a switch in HE). I then want it to turn off when the value reaches 15. I don't want it to turn off if the Master Bathroom fan is on however. (I have a rule that turns on/off the ERV according to that switch state.

Should I combine these into 1 rule? How would it look? The custom attribute used for the sensor will be aqi10.

I donā€™t have either of these devices but this is what Iā€™d do based on what you wrote.

Donā€™t feel bad about not getting rule machine. This type of thing is hard to learn as it is. The user interface of rule machine isnā€™t helping at all.

Ninja edit, I missed a logic step in there. Updated.

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Thank you, this is helpful. I know I'm missing something, but I cannot put my finger on it.

You are better with rule machine than I am. I ended up with lots of rules chained never could seem to get if then else to do what I wanted.