Contact sensor with temperature? Suggestions?

I recently got a lot of 10 for about that price. My question is how do you get it to check in consistently with temp updates? I paired the first one last night and have tried to initiate refreshes on it (to get temp to update) but it doesn't respond. I've got it set to 0.25C in the settings. It has reported in but seems inconsistent. Sensor was paired around 9:30 PM last night. It checked in at 10:02, 11:20, 11:46 and then not again until 2:48am. And again at 3:14am, 4:32am, 4:58am, 5:50am, 6:16am, and 8:52am.

I started a rule that refreshes this sensor every 15 minutes at 6:45 this morning but it hasn't replied to any of those with an update, so that must not work. Maybe those times I listed are when the temp swung by 0.25C or more, but they just seem like they're bunched up with big gaps.

I simply have it reporting on an 0.5 degree change... I mean I would not want it reporting all the time so reporting on change is all that's really necessary

The catch is theyā€™re old, deprecated, never-sold-as-retail sensors.

I bought a couple here based on the hype and I thought they were junk. Ate battery like a teenager at a buffet, couldnā€™t get the temp reporting like I wanted it. I have zero doubt people here genuinely like them, but they werenā€™t for me.

+1 for the SmartThings/Aeotec contact recommendation. I have 1 and it has performed great. Good battery life, reliable contact* reporting. (I donā€™t pay any attention to the temperature reporting, other than it does it.)

*Iā€™m actually using the accelerometer in ā€˜garage door mode.ā€™

And you're pretty confident that it is picking up those changes consistently? It just concerned me because I have that set to On 0.25C Change and it seemed to update in clusters (many updates, large gap, many updates, large gap). I've only had one temp update since 8:52am (at 1:11 pm) and it went from 68F (20C) to 66.20F (19C), which is obviously exactly 1 degree Celsius change, not 0.25.

I haven't noticed any issues myself. I use a few temp based triggers with them and it's always seemed to be steady

I can confirm that I am only getting updates on changes of 1 degree C, not 0.25. Do you know why that would be? I have edited the preference, clicked configure, etc. and I can't get it to report at anything more (or less, depending on how you think about it) than 1C.

As you can see, if you convert any of the temperatures shown in the events list, you get a whole degree C.

And here are the device settings:

@mike.maxwell this is using the generic contact sensor driver. Any thoughts?

Not all devices honor reporting configuration changes, the driver can't really tell if the device is going to respect them or not.
We know that most if not all third reality devices ignore reporting configurations, there may be others.

Is there any reason that the device wouldn't respond to a refresh request? I've had problems with Samsung Multisensors and now these Xfinity ones that you ask for a refresh but no temp update. I've got about 15 of these doing that now (5 or so Samsung V4s and 10 of these).

The Samsung sensors just started this out of nowhere (not all are exhibiting but most are - I had attributed to perhaps just getting old) but now these as well, when they were spoken of so highly in the community.

I don't think most (if any?) battery devices will respond to a Refresh command -- since they aren't mains-powered, they don't want to waste power listening to the Hub for something like that.

I just tried refreshing two Visonic MCT-340 contact sensors that have not been triggered for contact in days or weeks, likely. Both reporting temperature regularly. On refresh I get battery, but I don't get temp.

Tried two Iris v2 motions, both also motion untriggered for days at least, though they are reporting temp regularly. Both gave me battery and temp.

So does seem to be device-specific (assuming not a driver issue), at least from my small test. Both devices are using the built-in Generic Zigbee driver for their device types.

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You may have success in changing the driver (on a temporary basis only) to the generic Zigbbe reporting configuration that was done by @kkossev (Thank you,, again!)
At that point in time, you can set the reporting frequency and characteristics, and then change back to the original driver.
Please note:

  1. always hit the config button after changing drivers
  2. as Mike Maxwell has reported: just because you tell a device to report at a certain frequency, doesn't mean that the device "listens". Some do, and some do not.

I tried but so far no joy. Let me be sure I understood and did the right thing:

  1. Installed the driver (imported from URL and saved).
  2. Went to the sensor in question and changed the driver to ā€œZigbee Reporting Configurationā€ and saved.
  3. There is no configure button here so I changed the temp settings to 10,900,25.
  4. Tried Send Configuration Now. Second time tried the ā€œWhen Activeā€ option and then opened and closed it.
  5. Got ā€œreceived Temperature Configuration command response status:00ā€ message back.
  6. Changed Driver back to Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor.
  7. Clicked configure.
  8. Waited.

So far, Iā€™ve gotten no temp updates in well over an hour so Iā€™m assuming it didnā€™t work but hoping maybe I did something incorrectly.

Well, it looks like you did everything correctly.
As stated, it could very well be a sensor that just doesn't listen to the reporting configuration that it has been sent.

@street9009, please post this device's Zigbee model and manufacturer, as seen in the 'Device Details' HE web page section.

Sure thing, @kkossev.

  • manufacturer: Universal Electronics Inc
  • model: URC4460BC0-X-R
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I donā€™t see temperature reporting configurations for this device in ZHA/Z2M code, so probably configuring is not supported. The device may respond with success code to the configuration command, but actually do nothing.

FWIW, the Samsung/Aeotec/Smartthings v5 Multisensor does return temperature on refresh. (or at least mine does.)

My V4s historically have and I have one or two that still do. Others I canā€™t make do it for anything.

Well darn. Got 10 of them that only report temperature variations of 1C and canā€™t make them update any more frequently.

Anyone want them? Theyā€™re basically no use to me.