Contact Sensor Shows Damper but not open/close status

I've started migrating from ST to the Hubitat. I've had some issues that I've been able to get past, but one that puzzles me.

I don't know what brand it actually is, but I have a Z-Wave contact sensor on my garage door. I was able to get it added to my system and at least once it gave a status of closed. Since then all I get when the door opens is a tamper notification not open/close.

I can tell you that it shows the manufacturer is 287. Any ideas?


Maybe post a picture of it, someone might recognize it.

I came home at lunchtime today and pulled the cover again, then put it back on and it started working. I also saw markings that said it was a Schlage. Probably a leftover from when I used that system. Either way, it seems to be working now.

Did it have a metal protective bar inside by a light? If so it is likely an Ecolink Z-wave Door/Window sensor. They have a tiny button that the cover holds down and it is used to join and unjoin as well.

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