Contact sensor not showing closed state

TLDR; version. I used to be able to select 'sensor closed' for a contact sensor, but now I am only seeing 'sensor open'.

This has happened for a couple of sensors. I have a Go-Control garage door controller and I had created a Rule Machine rule for it sometime back. Now, I only see 'sensor open' as a state when creating a conditional expression. I presume that a 'NOT' in the conditional will be exactly the same? And is that why this 'sensor closed' may have been removed?

This is what the rule looked like:

But now I see only this:

I also noticed this with a new Xiaomi Aqara Contact sensor with this driver ( I do realize the the Aqara devices are not officially supported by Hubitat, but I am also using a couple of Aqara sensors (with their drivers also from Markus) and they have been working fine.

Hub details;
Platform Version -
Hardware Version - Rev C-5

Thanks for any info.

Just click on new condition and select closed for that device.
You can select NOT if you wish to.

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@bobbles Thank you. I had tried what you suggested, but somehow it hadn't worked. This time I tried adding a second condition and there I was able to choose closed. It then complained about "repeated" conditions, which made sense, and I deleted the old one.

Appreciate your quick reply!

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