Contact Sensor EcoLink (Garage Door type) reports 2 events for each Open/Close

I have the EcoLink Garage contact tilt sensor.

For every open or close, it fires off 2 events, so the rule I have to send me an alert via Pushover gives me 2 alerts on an open or close. The time is different at the milli second level, so maybe it's just a hardware thing where it's bouncing internally and actually creating 2 events.

Anyone seen this before?

dev:352019-07-09 05:51:38.656 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:51:38.632 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:51:34.224 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:51:34.219 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:42.284 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:42.269 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:40.928 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:40.915 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:39.950 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:39.945 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:38.599 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:38.597 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:36.916 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:36.907 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was closed
dev:352019-07-09 05:47:35.549 pm infoGarage Door Sensor Right (Motorcycle Side) was opened

Yes, I see this from the Ecolinc Motion sensors, sometimes more than two. I'm told the device is very chatty, like my tween daughter, it keeps repeating to ensure it's heard. :slight_smile:

What kind of bike you got?

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Yep and the same with contact sensors.

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My contact sensors usually reports 2-3 times per event.

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Ok, chatty contact sensors, all good.

Just added to the stable, 2019 Indian Roadmaster Elite. Sweet ride. You?

Harley Heritage Classic 2013

Fixed with the newest version of Hubitat.

Just tested and reporting properly now.

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