Connecting Hubitat to the local network

I have read the documentation and only found one possible way to connect the Hubitat to the local network, via ethernet cable attached to the router.

Is it possible to connect it to the WiFi network instead? I don't want to connect the hub to the router via ethernet cable, I want to place the Hubitat on a different location.

Yes, you need an Ethernet to WiFi adapter. The hub itself doesn't have any WiFi built in.

Maybe something along those lines...


The hub has no wifi capability.
To get my hub away from my router into a more central location I use a powerline adapter.
This could be an option for you.


Thanks for the information.

I'm shocked. My feeling is that this is very frustrating. I don't understand how could a product designed to be a home automation hub do not have WiFi connectivity. WiFi chips are very cheap, especially when purchased on large quantitites in the industry.

Anyway, this will make me consider other options before buying.

Home Assistant runs on a Raspberry Pi and that has built in WiFi. Perhaps that will fit your need?


Why are you shocked? Hard wired is more reliable, and gets you things like Telnet for Lutron connectivity. Also, for the most part Hubitat is intended to be used with Zigbee and Zwave and not really Wifi for the most part. Wifi stuff has been made to integrate, but I don't think that was the original intention when this hub was conceived.

Also, Wifi is best left to a purpose built device like a router in my opinion.


I totally disagree with you.

My hub sits centrally in my basement and has no problem interacting with all the devices in my house. IMHO even if I did need to move the hub upstairs for some reason I would not let a simple wire run be a deciding factor. I've gained way too much moving to HE to let that sway me.

Now, full disclosure I prefer Ethernet over WiFi. I guess it's a matter of perspective. If I where in an apartment or other short term situation I might opt for WiFi but beyond that I prefer the speed, reliability, and simplicity of Ethernet. Gigi bit bandwidth, No SSID's or Passwords or keys. Just plug and play. For transient devices like laptops, phones, tablets, etc. WiFi makes sense. But if it sits in one place most of the time hardwire it is. Of the 60 plus devices on my network about 50% are wired.

When I bought my house it had all of three phone jacks and two cable TV runs. So I bought a large spool of Cat6 and proceeded to put 1 or more drops in every room. It was a bit of labor but I don't regret it at all. And, when I retire and move I'll likely do the same to the next place. Only by then I'll likely run Cat 8 and maybe some fiber.

Just another perspective...


I am not sure of what part of my statement you disagree with. That first part of my statement above is purely factual. The second part was an opinion, as stated.

But the reality is that it never had Wifi, and I don't see it getting Wifi in the future either. So you either just connect it to a router, or you use a workaround like one of those dongles posted above. It isn't a big deal to do so.


Disinterested third party here. @neonturbo, the second part may not be what you intended to say. I think OP is bemoaning that HE isn't a wi-fi client, not that it doesn't serve as a wi-fi point of presence to connect to wi-fi devices.

Personally, I try not to use wi-fi connections for anything important that is going to stay in one place. However, I understand the desire if best location is not conducive to running cable. Fortunately it can be easily accommodated with a dongle.

I understand what you guys are stating here. Everybody has different scenarios. That's why having options are important. A hub is supposed to integrate various radio interfaces and protocols to simplify the automation. Leaving WiFi out is strange. It does not make sense to me to buy an expensive device which is supposed to simplify the integrations and use a RPi or external ethernet to WiFi adapters, etc. I don't want to connect to the router via ethernet cable, that's my use case. There is nothing anybody can argue about this. A home automation hub should have at least a WiFi client.

I'm not saying the product is bad, I have seen reviews saying quite the opposite, but this design decision of letting WiFi out is very frustrating for some users.

Its also a technical issue.

Leaving out WiFi, which runs in the same 2.4 Ghz frequency band as Zigbee, mitigates near field issues with the radios.



A reminder that SmartThings didn't have that until Gen 3.

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csteele gave you a possible solution above, in addtion to that option most wifi extenders have an ethernet connection on them that can be used to provide a portable connection for the hub.


Lutron Caseta’s SmartBridge does not have a WiFi LAN connection option. Nor does the Philips Hue bridge. So, Hubitat Elevation is in good company! :wink:

I do understand your desire for a WiFi connection, as it definitely adds additional flexibility in the placement of the hub. Unfortunately, I doubt Hubitat will be releasing any new Hub hardware any time soon as the C7 is less than a year old.


Not understanding why. If one builds strong zwave and zigbee meshes, the hub can be anywhere.

And the W/LAN devices supported by Hubitat (eg Lutron bridges, Sonos speakers etc) don’t care where Hubitat is on the LAN.


Don't forget Ikea's Tradfri Gateway.

I'm happy not to pay more for a wifi radio :smiley:. It's only very recently with the introduction of hub mesh that I would look at placing a (second/third/.....) hub elsewhere.

Also with a simple de-auth tool anyone could bring your wifi home automation to its knees quite easily especially if you're using it for home security (just saying...)


Two cents of opinion and experience here, from a longtime HA enthusiast (four different platforms over 15+ years), but a fairly new HE user.

  1. For reliability, which is vital to a HA system, ethernet is simply more reliable. Wifi is better now than in years past, but still drops now and then. Murphy being Murphy, those drops will often occur when you are 500 miles away, a winter storm is brewing, and no one is around to reset anything. So, a piece of wire gets the nod over RF.

  2. As someone else noted, a powerline extender can work wonders. One of my three hubs (three buildings) is connected to the router via a powerline extender, and that powerline is an 100' outdoor-grade extension cord running through the woods from the garage to a tiny (6'x8') office I built to work out of during COVID (my wife said I could no longer take up the entire guest house for that). That hub has never gone down, while wifi devices sitting one room over from the router have. So, while it is an extra thing you need to buy, I've found it to be as reliable as ethernet even under less than ideal conditions. We live on an island in a lake in a very rural area in Maine, so power outages and generator use happens not infrequently, and that doesn't affect the powerline extenders at all.

  3. I actually have about four wifi switches I bought as an experiment (two different brands). None are more than 5' from an access point. Each has dropped its wifi at least once, although they remain powered on when that occurs. Because they remain on even when they lose connectivity, I use two of them as "emergency resets" for the HE hubs, in case something ever goes wrong and I need to try a hard reboot as a last-ditch effort at a save when away from the property. But that's as close as I want to get to relying on wifi when something MUST work. And BTW, I've never had to reboot those HE hubs, which says something about their reliability.

Anyway, FWIW, that's my experience.


It’d be informative to hear what “Home Automation hub with WiFi” you choose over HE. Please post back.


I don't see what the big deal is. A wired connection is generally the preferred connection mechanism. During router reboots the wired interfaces come up faster. They're not prone to things your neighbors do to cause interference. Wifi radio lockups won't kill your connection. Even on high end routers and access points I see this on occasion. You can still connect to any wifi devices via the lan. And there are options if you really really don't want to use a wired connection. Power line adapters have come a long way and are very stable now. Wifi adapters are there if you absolutely must have wifi but an ethernet run or powerline adapter are far better alternatives.