Confusion with motion lighting app

Next question:
Do you accept donations?


Sure you do. I give you my $0.02 of advice all the time. :wink:


Well you should.
At any rate i am very appreciative of your help, and your an asset to the community.
Thanks agian.


LOL. I will keep saving these and maybe someday I will have enough to buy something out of the gumball machine.

That's about what my advice is worth. :wink:

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Hey can you have multiple modes at the same time?


But you can combine multiple things like I did for presence, and day/night.

But maybe I should ask why? Or what are you trying to do?

Nothing, just thinking ahead.
Thanks again

That can be hazardous to your health. Or wallet.

:exploding_head: :face_with_head_bandage: