CommandScheduleReport Supported? - Schedule (0x53) v1


I am building a driver for a thermostat that support the class Schedule (0x53) v1, but it looks like HE does not support this CC or I doing something wrong when paring the msg:

This is the error I am getting:

Has this CC been implemented in HE? or am I missing something?

I alos found to stuff on the ST platform: zWave Schedule Capability - Setting - Developers - SmartThings Community

Thanks in advance for any info.

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@mike.maxwell would probably be the one to ask/knows for sure.

I don't see a corresponding capability in the capability list (unless it is buried in the ThermostatSchedule capability - no idea what that does as I can't find a corresponding ST or other capability named this), so I would guess not? But could be wrong...

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It has not.

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Thanks for the info

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You can still work with the class, even though we don't have it implemented...
.format() returns a given zwave command as a string of hex bytes which are then sent to the device.
If you know the class, command and how to format the payload you can just return the string directly...
Ie basicSet(value:0) would be: return "200100"
Description text would need to be parsed within the driver as well.