Combine "Outlet" and "Power Meter" template functions or add half-height tiles

I'm not sure about other brands, but the Iris V1 and V2 outlets both support power reporting. However, the dashboard tiles do not allow one to both control and display the on/off of the outlet and to display the power use. The "Outlet" template controls and displays on/off status (as does the "Switch" template), but does not display power use. The "Power Meter" template displays the power use, but does not control or display the on/off status. Rather than have two tiles for each outlet, one to control/display status and another to display power use, is it possible to instead combine the power reporting of the "Power Meter" template with the "Outlet" and/or "Switch" template?

Alternately, is it possible to create half-height tiles so that two tiles can fit into the space occupied currently by one tile? Then one could put the control into one half-height tile and put the power reporting into the other half-height tile. I think that would be a great enhancement of the dashboard.


Have you checked out @bptworldā€™s Tile Master?

When @Cobraā€™s website is up and running Iā€™d imagine you could find his Super Tiles there as well.

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I'll take a look at it. Thanks.

Edit: Unless I am missing something, I can set it up to display the outlet status and the power use, but I did not see a way to get it to control the outlet. It is not what I am looking for.

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You can place a transparent control button over the top.


That's called a bodge job.

Just make your tile size half as big and make your dashboard with twice as many columns and rows. Then for the Iris tiles they are each 1 tall x 2 wide and all of your other tiles are 2 tall x 2 wide. Most of my dashboards are 20 wide x 10 tall or similar. It gives me a lot more flexibility. For some, my "standard" tile is 4x4.

EDIT: To better illustrate, here is a phone dashboard.

The dashboard is 2 columns x 10 rows. THE HSM Status is 2 wide x 2 tall; Arm-Home, Arm-Away, Vacation Lighting Activator, & Disarm HSM are all 1 wide x 2 tall; the Home Mode and Dashboard link are 2 wide x 1 tall, and the last 2 referring to House Guests are 1 wide x 2 tall

Set the Height of all the rest of your tiles to "2", and then a Height of "1" will be "half-height".

Don't forget to either adjust the Grid Size for your new, larger tiles.


Not quite what I I had in mind, but it looks like it would work provided I can make it so that it will also display properly on my phone without too much scrolling.

Edit: I did try it on my smaller dashboard for the second hub and it will work. It isn't quite like having both functions in one template (combined outlet/power meter), but it is close enough. Thanks.

I would also like to be able to have a tile template that would show the power monitor consumption with on off control and status. Thank you

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I know this thread is a bit old, but I'm looking for the same thing (combined Power/Outlet tile).

Since this (apparently) can't be done with existing tiles (or with Tile Master), is it possible by editing the CSS? I'm a complete novice with CSS so I really don't know if that is possible or not. But there are other tiles that have dual functionality so it seem like this must be possible some way :thinking:

You can use CSS to create overlay tiles or half height/width tiles


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That looks promising. Can you share a snippet of the CSS code to display that tile? Or, if possible, what the CSS might look like for an Outlet/Power overlay tile? :pray: Sorry I know almost nothing about CSS :frowning:

The code for the overlay above is:

#tile-18 .tile-primary {

#tile-19 .tile-primary {
#tile-19 {

Where tile-18 is the battery tile, and 19 the contact status tile. The primary display area for 18 is reduced to 50% width and recentered. Background for 19 is set to transparent and the primary display is shifted.

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