Column "name" not found

I have a Simple Lighting Rule that turns off 2 Caseta Lamp Dimmers and 1 Caseta Dimmer. This morning, one of the lamps remained on and this is what I found in the log. I can control the device on it's Device page and it turned on yesterday with a Sunset scene.

[dev:137] 2019-11-16 06:58:00.917 am [error] org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "name" not found [42122-197] (off)

[dev:134]2019-11-16 06:58:00.641 am [info] rcvd: OUTPUT,38,1,0.00

[dev:135]2019-11-16 06:58:00.570 am [info]Living Room Lamp was turned off

[dev:134]2019-11-16 06:58:00.391 am [info]rcvd: OUTPUT,30,1,0.00

[dev:126] 2019-11-16 06:58:00.363 am [info]Back Yard Light was turned off

[app:138] 2019-11-16 06:58:00.182 am [info] Sunrise - Lights Off Turn Off