Color bulbs - CT vs RGB

I thought that hue, saturation, level, and temperature was how bulbs are set. But CT and RGB color modes have very different colors for the same values.

RM Rule (with no trigger, manually using the 'Run Actions' button)
Set color: Livingroom Light 1 ->Warm White ->Level: 75

Current States
colorMode : RGB
colorName : Orange
colorTemperature : 2203
hue : 11
level : 75
saturation : 20
switch : on

The color of the bulb look nothing like if I use Alexa to set the bulb to "warm white".

Modifying the rule to:
Set color: Livingroom Light 1 ->Warm White ->Level: 75
Color Temperature: Livingroom Light 1: 2200: 75

And running it toggles the state between these 2 values:

Current States
colorMode : CT
colorName : Sunrise
colorTemperature : 2203
hue : 11
level : 75
saturation : 20
switch : on

Current States
colorMode : RGB
colorName : Orange
colorTemperature : 2203
hue : 11
level : 75
saturation : 20
switch : on

The color output of the Sengled RGBW bulb ( drastically differs between the 2. Note that the color temperature, hue, level, and saturation are the same which I thought was how a bulb was set. The only difference is colormode and colorname.

Is there something I'm not understanding about colormode?

Additionally, if I change the bulb from using the 'Sengled Element Color Plus' driver to 'Generic Zigbee RGBW Light', the 'Color Temperature' statement above does not toggle between the 2 different states. @mike.maxwell Is this a bug in the Sengled Element Color Plus driver that needs to be corrected?


CT mode means the device is in color temperature mode, and the color temperature attribute in Kelvin is managed.
The colorName is also set.
Hue and saturation values are not set since these only apply to the RGB mode.
When a device is in RGB mode hue and saturation determine the devices color.

Thanks Mike. I'm starting to get my head wrapped around it.

So when using the 'Set color temperature' only the color mode and color temperature are changing the color of the bulb and the color name is updated for display. The hue and saturation are not updated in the current states to reflect the color of the bulb.

And when you use 'Set color' the hue, level, and saturation are being used to set the bulb color and the color name is updated for display. But the color temperature in current states is not updated to reflect the color of the bulb.

My mistake was thinking that current states would be showing the values of the bulb and that if color temperature, hue, level, and saturation displayed the same values when changing colormode the bulb would be the same color. I did not understand that some of the displayed values were color mode specific and would not be updated on color mode change.

Short version is:
The only values for current states that get updated are the ones relevant for the colormode being set.



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