Color Animations setting random bulb levels?

Hello all,

I'm using the Color Animations app with 6 Hue color bulbs outside the house. Each bulb has its own animation, and I'm activating each one staggered with 1-second delays so that I don't have too many commands hitting the Hue hub at once. It's working great except that every time a color change is sent, the bulbs seem to be changing to random brightness levels.

I even tried adding Dim actions (level=100%) after turning on the animation "switches" and that isn't helping. Both the Hue app and Hubitat devices show the same weird levels being set.

Is it possible the animation app is adding level commands behind the scenes?


Level is included as part of the color data, so that would be my first guess. Can you show how your app is configured?

Thanks @bertabcd1234 - I have six color animations that all look like this...

...they're the same thing just using different colors, so they create a "theme" on each transition when combined.

The Rule Machine rule (at sunset) fires them all off like so...

The Hue App: All Front Downs and Hue App: All Front Ups are zones in Hue that group my outside lights. I don't know if setting level on Hue zones is a bad idea and I should set each bulb directly, but I figured this was OK to do. Open to suggestions.

Thanks again.

What are you seeing the devices actually get set to after each of those actions? As an example, your first red-ish color has an HSV brightness of near 100%, but your second color of rgb(7, 161, 0) is about 33%. There is an algorithm, but an easy way is to search for an online RGB to HSV or HSB converter and see what it says--or if you always want the same level, work with a color picker that uses the HSV/HSB color model instead of RGB or whatever you might be using instead (options may vary by browser or OS; you could also convert the other direction yourself if needed).

My guess is that you're seeing the actual levels these represent rather than anything random, but the above information would tell you for sure. One second is also a pretty rapid interval for that many devices, but using a Room or Zone is probably better than individual devices and might be OK with just one or so.

Ahh OK. This is not an area of expertise for me, so I will dig into that more. Honestly, the resulting effect is more or less what I wanted, it just seemed odd to see the levels fluctuating all over the place. From what I can tell, the 1 second staggering seems to be preventing mis-fired commands as I've seen in the past when "slamming" all the bulbs simultaneously. You're probably on to something with the RGB picker.


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