Coding with the Community — Episode 1

Hey - I have, not an autoexec.bat, but a backup.bat which runs twice a day, so DOS and batch files lives on.

one line is "robocopy "c:\users\jmj43\Documents" "j:\win10 rc\jmj43\Documents" /FP /XX /NDL /NP /TEE /s /z /e /w:0 /r:0 /log+:j:\robolog_Documents.txt"

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Lol...maybe cls wasn't part of the syntax of basic and a false memory (part of dos syntax..was it part of quickBasic?). I was about 8 at the time..I think :man_shrugging:

I recall CLS as being in most basics I used.

I still have 3-1/4" floppies loaded with my "must have" utilities for DOS. Grep was one of my favorites. There were literally thousands. I think the one that has endured the longest is the CRC checksum. Is that still used today to validate file transfers?


Do I win? :rofl:

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Wang? I was born in Lowell and have lived in the town next door for most of my life. :grin:

My first computer was a keyboard thing that I had to connect to my tv and cassette tape deck. Next up was an IBM PC JR with a Bernoulli Box, color monitor and my first printer! Learned Basic and then COBOL on the PC jr. Loved that thing!

Thanks to everyone showing how old I really am! My first was a TRS80 color computer with 4K memory and a cassette tape. Upgraded it to 4 5.25 floppies. Used to copy stuff between floppies just for the sake of doing it lol.

Somebody mentioned punch cards.... I remember those in college while I was learning Fortran and cobol. Ahhh those were the days.

Yes. We moved to Nashua in the early 80’s. I haven’t lived there for a very long time, though...

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That's a blast from the past. Do they still exist? When I was in grad school (late '80s), the secretaries still had Wang word processors. I think my Dad might have had one too .....

Wang has been out of business for a very long time.

They had some pretty funny tag lines back in the day, like

“My Wang Does Wonders”
“My Wang Never Goes Down”


First computer I got to work on late 70's was a Computer Automation LSI-3 16 bit, 16K memory ($2K for memory alone) with Pertec 8" floppy drives connected to a Teletype ASR33 with paper tape reader. Later on we connected a CRT terminal and a Centronics 101 printer. Whole thing cost around $10K.

I never knew he did this. Is it on YouTube or something?

I'll be watching :grin:

The stream URL has been added! Looking forward to seeing you all there! :slight_smile:


Thanks Adam.

Going to have to re-watch this later.

Btw - was their a YouTube link for this? I couldn’t figure out how to open in the YouTube app so couldn’t see the comments being made.

Thank YOU!

The link can be found here

And thanks to everyone who tuned in! :slight_smile: A fun (long) first episode!


Thanks for this Adam. I was only able to catch the last 10 min, but will look forward to watching from the beginning later today. Nicely done! :+1:t2:

Thank-you Adam, very good information

Thanks, this helped a lot. I appreciate you taking the time to do this. Looking forward to more episodes!

A fine lesson Adam. Unfortunately I had to leave before the end, but I'll catch it in a replay. Thanks so much.

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thanks @adamkempenich was great :slight_smile:. Where are you planning on uploading the code to?

Thanks! It was a fun time :slight_smile:

I've uploaded the primer code to: