I currently use the CocoHue method of integrating with my two Hue Hubs.
Could someone share some additional information (or point me to it) that highlights the pro's or cons that relate to each of the 3 methods of connecting to Hue?
Am I missing out on something by using CocoHue, which recently got a big update to use a more modern API or are they all comparable means of doing the same thing?
Interested to know the pro's/cons in how they function at a hardware level as well as those that relate to how they are utilised and configured.
The main difference is convenience. The more effort you put into it the more (advanced) features you get.
CocoHue takes full advantage of the Hue's second version of their API, which gives users more features than any other integration available.
The current built-in in integration is using the original Hue API version (doesn't have advanced features, and relies on period polling to update the state of the Hue devices).
The Matter integration via Hue Matter bridge functionality that was enabled in the update is the most convenient way to connect Hue devices, seamlessly, without installing additional apps or custom code. While the Matter bridge gives users less features than CocoHue, it updates the status of the Hue devices instantly, for better home automation experience.
BobbyD can the two co-exist at the same time and if so can you alternate on which one you want to use for a particular function.
At the moment I have all my occupancy sensors on my hue bridge along with lights and switches (some of the Philips sensors I can't get to pair with Hubitat and I also get better coverage). I have a HomeKit integration to the Hue Bridge setting a flag in Hubitat to say the room is occupied/unoccupied. Whilst it works I would prefer something less cumbersome, if HE can see via matter then that would probably work.
You can mix any network connected methods, CocoHue, Matter, built-in, etc, but only one mesh network integration (Zigbee devices can only be connected to one controller, either Hubitat or Hue bridge).
BONUS reveal: the next release (currently in beta) will add many of the awesome Coco Hue features to the built-in integration and more
I am now controlling my lights via the matter bridge, which was quite easy to establish. I can’t yet go fully matter as the sensor illuminance values are not yet transferred across and I am waiting to see if rooms or zones are in the next version, before I code ina workaround.