CoCoHue Scenes reporting as Lights or Switches in Alexa

I have my Hue lights and switch controllers imported into HE via CoCoHue, and they work wonderfully. I then exposed those devices to Alexa through the Amazon Echo Integration. All is good, except... Alexa treats the Hue Scenes as devices, rather than scenes.

Suggestion for the developer of CoCoHue... add a field in the device settings which will allow us to tell Alexa that the Hue Scene is indeed a Scene!

When I was using the UDI ISY994i with Alexa integration in my old house, the Integration not only allowed me to provide an Alexa invocation word or phrase, but also let me set the type of device if if didn't match the actual usage.

This is similar to how Alexa allows you to change a SWITCH to a LIGHT, if that is what the hardware switch controlled.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thank you

I don't believe this is possible via any Hubitat integration given the way the Skill works. Personally, I do not integrate any Hue devices to Alexa via Hubitat; Hue has a built-in integration that (I think) works the way you want, and it works well--unless, I suppose, you're on a v1 Bridge.

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Thanks for the feedback. I fortunately have a rather small installation, so I picked up on what you said about doing the Hue/Alexa integration directly. I guess I had a brain fart on the fact that I could still use CoCoHue and the direct Hue/Alexa in parallel.

I made the change, and will see how well that works!

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