CoCoHue Motion Sensor

I have a Hue outdoor motion sensor that I added via CoCoHue and while I am getting illumination, temperature and motion, I'm not getting any battery values reported from the CoCoHue Motion Sensor driver. I have an identical one connected directly to the hub with the following device values if that helps:

  • firmwareMT: 100B-010D-42006BB7
  • manufacturer: Philips
  • model: SML002
  • softwareBuild: 42006BB7

That's using the built in Hue Motion Sensor driver and is reporting battery values. Any ideas?

How long has it been since you added it via CoCoHue? Is there a chance it simply hasn't sent a battery report out yet?

I'm not sure how often Hue sensors do that, but for many battery sensors, the battery report is sent at longer intervals (e.g. every 12/24 hours).

I have a Hue outdoor motion sensor integrated via CCH, and it's reporting battery fine -- hopefully yours will too w/in the next 24 hrs.

Unfortunately it has been several days as I was thinking the same thing.

It's been a couple of weeks and still no battery reporting... I don't think it's a waiting game. And the Hue app is reporting battery level so it seems to be a driver issue rather than a device issue. I'd remove and re-pair except there's a missing feature where those Hue devices brought into Hubitat don't show up in the Swap Apps Device so removing them and restoring them in rules is painful. Any ideas?

Try using the "Refresh" (and "Refresh V1", if you have it) buttons on the Hue Bridge's own Device Details page -- that might help shake it loose.

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Thanks! That seemed to fix it - Wahoo!

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Glad that worked! Now that it's coming in, it should just keep working -- I don't think you'll need to set up a routine refresh or anything like that.

While I can't see any reason these events shouldn't come in on their own, a "Refresh" shouldn't be necessary; if it helps, it tells me that either something might be missing from the parsing of the data (if you have debug logging enabled on the bridge when this event comes in and can see for sure, that would help...but you'll probably be waiting a while) or the device/bridge just didn't actually send any data (not sure how often it does, though it does seem like a couple weeks would have been enough).

It also tells me that you probably have polling entirely disabled. Is there a reason for that? Even with the V2 API, I still recommend it (even if infrequent), as every once in a while, the incoming data (JSON) about a state change gets truncated, throws and error, and none of that information makes its way into new device states. Polling will catch it up with this reality eventually.

I agree with your assesment, but I suggested that action because I experienced this same issue myself when I updated to the Beta this past weekend... Without divulging too much info here in the open forum, I (let's say) adjusted my Hue integration as part of the Beta...

My outdoor sensor still wasn't populating battery after ~36 hours (everything else was working great though). I had all v1/v2/polling options set at default/recommended settings. On a whim, I tried doing a Hue Bridge device refresh, and -- voila -- the battery populated immediately.

I just have that one (outdoor) motion sensor integrated via Hue, so I can't help verify if this is a outdoor-vs-indoor sensor issue, or a device f/w issue (my sensor is sml004 / 2.53.6), or something else. :person_shrugging:

That's not surprising, so maybe I wasn't clear: the real question is whether new events will come in on their own after this. There isn't any technical reason this should affect that, and if one did already, it should be there already. :thinking:

But polling or a refresh would definitely pull the new/current data.

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Right on... I just figured a battery report would get kicked out (at least once) within a 24-hour period, but I have no idea if that's how Hue does it or not -- maybe they use a much longer window, and I just didn't give it enough time.

But it sounds like @Tom16 did leave for a while; however, it'll of course be helpful to confirm if he had any non-default polling/API options set up.

As far as I can tell, I have polling enabled...

You do. Extra mysterious, then...

I'm not sure I understand your comment about new events. Since I did the Refresh V2, motion events have come through. Other than that single refresh, I have made no changes.

Aren't you asking about battery reports? Those are events, too. That is what I mean.


I'm guessing he's referring to whether or not battery reports will continue to come in regularly now or not. Unfortunately, I'm a bad test case since I put my outdoor sensor on a mains-powered battery-replacement kit, so mine always should read 100%. I still like having access to that data as one additional metric that my sensor is powered up & working, but I won't be able to track any % declines.

The battery report is the only weird-ism like this I came across in my recent integration adjustment -- everything else w/in the integration is working tip-top.

I unfortunately don't have any other sensors or other battery-powered devices integrated through this though -- it would be interesting to confirm if this is just a motion sensor thing or is a wider battery-device thing.

OK - I now understand you were just talking about the battery reports - thanks for clarifying. Fortunately or unfortunately, my motion detector is slow to eat through its battery. But it's on my calendar to check some months down the road... Also unfortunately the Hue app doesn't give much granularity to the battery status - it's just a visual green with "Good" - so that doesn't make it easy to make an easy comparison to an actual % that you report.