
I'm sorry guys but due to my health etc
I have shut down

Users of my email won't currently be able to send from my system as the server will be decommissioned and the domain expires very soon
However; if there is enough interest, I will work on a way to transfer this to a webserver (Raspberry Pi etc) so that you can host this yourself

Please let me know if you would like this so that I can gauge interest

I'm afraid this might take a while but when it's done I'll release a new driver and instructions on how to install

As I'll be getting this working on a Pi, then I'll probably provide a Pi image with everything on ready for you to use if you wish.

I have to thank @Royski for all the work, help and support over the years. Without him, cobra-apps would have never been born and run for so long.

@Royski was also my chief beta tester for all my apps, so you have him to thank for all the ironing out of bugs before release.

I would also like to thank all those people who have made donations in the past - your contributions have helped greatly to keep things running and have 'spurred me on' to produce so much.

One final thank you is to all the people who have tested & used my apps & drivers over the years.
Without you all there would not be much point in producing them.

Warmest regards



Hi Andy, I’d be interested in this. And as I mentioned in another thread, if it’s possible to save a copy of the driver and app code available to members of your site, that’d be much appreciated as well.

Best of luck and thanks again for sharing all your amazing work over the years!


Hi Mark
the current code (internal app & driver) will only work for my system due to authentication etc
So, my plan is to rewrite everything so the sql side is not required and thing will be more open



Admittedly I’m not currently using your email app, so nbd either way.

But since it’s probably now or never, I’d appreciate the opportunity to save a copy of whatever code I can :grin:.


Thanks for the update, I hope that your health issues improve and that you have a good holiday season.


Aw man that sucks.. I hope you are okay. Thanks again for all your work/help over the years. You've frequently inspired me with your ideas and apps. All very much appreciated.


My first thoughts are for your good health!
May you have a wonderful and joyous holiday season!
May you enjoy many happy and healthy years in the bosom of your family!

I also wanted to make a heartfelt thanks for all your contributions to the apps that I have used over the years.


The best of luck, my friend. Thank you for all you've done. And I hope you can have some Happy Holidays.


I'm just seeing this today - good luck with everything Andy! Thank you for sharing your apps so generously!!

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Now that Cobra's website has been shutdown, from where can we download his apps?

Andy’s license made it clear that redistribution was not permitted.

So your only option is to directly approach him.