Cloud ping ability

While its great that all automations run locally, I'm looking for a cloud based automation.
If I lose power, or internet connection goes down, I'd like a notification.
Something like a cloud based ping, to the hub, or my isp's modem ip address. If it failed, or is restored, to get an email or sms msg. This ping could be set to every 15 or 30 min on a regular basis, like a watchdog routine. Maybe a webcore piston thats cloud based if there is something like that.
I dont have another ISP or outside LAN access, so thats out.
Ideas? TIA!

you would have to buy an instance on AWS or Azure then set up a program there to ping the hub (you want a point to point VPN) and have that ping the hub. When it can't the program could relay from the instance.

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Built into the Hub Information Driver v3 or you could try pinging the cloud URL for one of your dashboards.

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As far as detecting power loss and responding there are several threads on the subject, but they all are based on the assumption that the hub and router/modem are on a UPS.


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Yes, thats assuming I'm inside my own LAN, and the LAN is up and functioning.
If ISP goes down, theres no cloud access going out, therefore, no email or sms access.
I'm outside my LAN, so I'm looking for a notification that the hub is up and working, or not, aka watchdog.

Thanks. This is what I'm looking for. Azure has a free plan, for small computing work loads. Pinging, on a timed basis, can't use much cpu time. Something new for me to learn.


Short of a phyical disconnect, many times what is percieved as a loss of the ISP is the loss of their ability to provide DNS services while they perform updates or other maintenance. Most routers have the ability to use other DNS IPs than the default that the ISP provides - mine allows for 3 additional IP address.

Thanks thebearmay. My hub, router & modem are all on a ups. If mains power goes down, for 15 min, the hub goes into power shutdown for an orderly transition. Now, if my ISP goes down (cut cable, storm damage, wifi is jammed by a bad guy, etc) I'd like to know about it.

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Create a free account at

Then start a new health check, configure the heartbeat at a frequency that you think makes sense for your use case, and then copy the http call URL. Configure the integration with Pushover or your supported notification service of choice.

Create a rule machine rule that sends an http call to the health checks url. Make sure the heartbeat settings above and the frequency of the rule machine web call are consistent.

If the hub goes down, or your internet does, healthchecks will send you a notification once the heartbeat http call fails to check in.

I have several heartbeats setup for my hub as well as servers, VMs or docker containers running at home that I want to know if any stop running. Super handy tool assuming itself and the broader internet are functioning (which they usually are).


THANKS marktheknife! That is exactly what I'm looking for!
Azure was the choice until your post. I'm not really that knowledgeable on Azures service, and yours is much easier to implement.
This community is THE BEST!

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Thank you @marktheknife for sharing this!
I’ve been looking for such a free solution for quite a long time.

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Thanks for sharing this! I have all sorts of system monitors running across my hubs and Raspberry Pis, but the missing element was an alert if my home internet was down while I'm not at home. I just created a health check that I'm calling from one of my Uptime Kuma instances with an email-to-SMS notification to my cell phone if the check-in fails. It was incredibly quick and easy to set up.


Hmm... did not know about this service. Usually I just setup stuff on AWS or Azure instances.