Cloud endpoints not working

The best part of Hubitat experience, is that you could always roll back if something goes wrong :slight_smile: There has been a lingering problem prior to 2.1.3 that engineers attempted to fix. It appears that this fix may have had unintended consequences for other users. This problem appears to affect only a limited number of hubs. It is really up to you, if you decide to update or wait :slight_smile:

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I updated JUST before reports that the cloud issues were caused by the most recent f/w...but luckily I've been fine so far.:crossed_fingers:
I normally hold off for a bit but I wanted to get rid of the annoying log errors caused by the Notifier app in the last release.


I have a watchdog timer on SmartThings that polls a Hubitat endpoint every few minutes. If it fails to reach the endpoint after two tries in five minutes, SmartThings sends me a message. I also know that the Hubitat hub is still connected to the internet because I can still send notifications through PushOver.

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When you have time send me how you do that in ST.

Can you give a timeframe as to the bug fix? I've made considerable changes this weekend in removing restrictions for the upcoming release, and dont really want to lose all of that.

Me too ... I have been removing restrictions and rewriting RM3 to RM4’s. I know the later is not required but it’s practice getting used to RM4. I decided not to roll back. No new issues since yesterday morning.

Just to keep things updated, down again this morning. I'm out of town but was able to VPN in and reboot hub.

Rebooted and rolled back, Google home integration failed after attempting to resync hub a few times, still not working so waiting on a fix

yup, down again this morning but i was ok for 48 hours :wink:

Hotfix released: " Added additional checks for cloud disconnect and recovery."

Updated mine. See what happens in the morning.


same issues - cloud endpoints and alexa not working.
ran the updater this morning but said there was no new versions
will try again tonight

Might want to reboot your hub if the update is still not be available.

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Yep - sure thing.

I'm still on and having a bizarre issue with the iOS home screen bookmarks for the cloud endpoints. I've rebooted my phone but not Hubitat (because why should I have to if the link works fine in Safari?). Bookmark just renders a white screen. Started this weekend.

Just tried it on my iOS test device and it worked fine with a cloud dashboard. Given the issue with 2.1.3 before .125, I would suggest rebooting, updating, and trying again.

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Mine is fine this morning. Glad it's fixed.


The hotfix release corrected the cloud disconnect problem.

Updated and they work. Bizarre that they work in Safari direct but not bookmarks.

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Hi guys, yes had to reboot to see the update and installed it a few mins ago.

Thank you for the hot fix.


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