Classic Dashboard - Tweaking buttons

Hello, I've created my Dashbord ages ago, but recenntly had to make some tweaks to it and I swear I forgot to how to customise it...

Can someone please tell me how I can make the "Loft Light" button look like "Loft Landing Light". Both are the same Hue bulb, both set up as dimmers -- but I want the whole button to be a dimmer and a customer icon, just like the one on the "Loft Ligth". Done it 3 years ago and now can't remember how!

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To change the icon displayed in the dashboard button, first click on the 3 dots on the button’s bottom right.

Then from that menu, click on the « custom icon » checkbox, and select the icon you want.

From the list that appears, select the icon you want, and then click on the « close » button.

Hope that helps!

I don't think that gets him there, all the way.

How about looking at one of the tiles you like and seeing what's in there?

I think he's in custom CSS land....


SuperTiles? TileMaster? I have no idea.

But the OP likes the LOFT LAND LGHT template.... It's the Loft Light that's not liked. I think that template is nice to, lol, but I've never gotten into stylish tiles.

I'm thinking it's time for the OP to chime in. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, tried that. The icon and the “whole button as a slider” are not among the options so clearly I’ve done something else that got me there. Amnesia. :rofl:

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“Loft Land Lght” is the template that I like.

“Loft Light” is the one I want to get rid of and look like “Loft Land Lght”

“Loft Light” uses off the shelf default Dimmer template.

“Loft Land Lght” uses god knows what - something I set up 3-4 years ago and forgot about it….

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This rings a bell… let me have a look into this and see if this refreshes my memory..!

Been there, done that. :slight_smile: