Chromecast Integration TTS Not Working

I tried to setup Chromecast Integration and it discovered all the devices just fine. But when I try and use the "Speak" command. Nothing shows up in the "Events" tab. Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

You don’t say whether you are using an app or RM to try this.

When the app discovered your devices it should have created a ‘device page’ for each
If you go to the device page and enter some text into the ‘speak’ box and press the button, do you get tts than?

You can also enable some logging there

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What's the volume set to? Also, best practice is to set a fixed IP address for the devices, suggest to do that if you didn't already. There's also a Chromecast Helper app which pings the device every 4 minutes to help keep it connected.

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Thank you both. I started by setting a fixed IP address and noticed the IP in Hubitat didn't match. So I set a fix IP to all the devices and rediscovered them and it worked! It seems odd the IPs would have changed since I just added the devices, but it looks like it's working now.

I also installed the Chromecast Helper app too.


Great. Glad you got it working!

Hi guys, having the same issues, Chromecast devices are found correctly, but no TTS at the moment. I have tried going into the device and manually pushing a test TTS text notification, but I get nothing. I have assigned static IPs to my CC devices and also installed the Chromecast helper. Any help would be appreciated!

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