Chromecast Discovery Issues

I've been trying to get my local Chromecasts/Google Home devices discovered for a while. Discovery runs, however it's unable to detect anything. I don't see any errors in the log.

I'm beginning to think it's got something to do with my network environment, however I'm not sure. I have HomeAssistant running as a side project, and I do have the chromecasts manually added there via IP address. Not entirely sure if it's able to discover my chromecasts, I haven't checked.

Perhaps it's an mDNS issue? Is there a way to add chromecasts manually by IP?

I do run my own router (untangle).

Are they on the same subnet as the Hubitat? What is your subnet mask for you network?

Yup, both on the same subnet. Subnet mask is

Did you figure it out? i am having the same problem after getting a new router and splitting my network into VLANs, though I did setup inter VLAN routing and have mDNS enabled and I have no problem chrome casting from the same network hubitat is on, but discovery in hubitat doesn't work. Any way to enter IP addresses manually?