Chrome cast tts quit working

Just updated to .132 and my tts to Google devices quit working. Did a discover and everything is found ok. Initialize, etc throw an error.

dev:30012023-01-14 08:03:56.119 PMerrorjava.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution timed out after 45 units. Start time: Sat Jan 14 19:26:29 CST 2023 on line 116 (method initialize)


Is nobody else having this problem?

Reverted my firmware back to .130. It works fine now. So definitely something in the latest firmware. Not sure who to tag. @gopher.ny

I’m seeing the exact same thing. Reverted back to previous version and everything is working again too.
Glad I’m not the only one.

Exact same issue here. I'm new though on HA (just moved from ST), but is having a lot of issues with Chromecast Integration. Works on/off, but after update today to .132 everything is just dead with "java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution timed out after 45 units. Start time: Sun Jan 15 17:45:27 CET 2023 on line 232 (method runQ)"

Sure glad to hear it isn’t just me. @bravenel

Yep and same here. Chromecast "casting" is not working.

Is everyone using "TTS Delay enable"? When I turn that on, even sending a set volume command causes this error. When I disable the TTS delay, I am able to do TTS. The volume setting in the "Speak" command seems to be ignored though. The text and voice selection work, but not the volume.

This beta integration has always seemed to be a bit hit or miss, so I use Node Red to do any TTS. The nodered-contrib-cast-v2 nodes create a persistent (if that's the right word) connection to each Google speaker so I can monitor the connections and send a notification if one of the connections drops.


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I don’t use the delay. Never have. It always worked ok before.

Same here.

Same here

Same problem here. Rolled back to .130 and it works.

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Same here. Rolled back to .130 and it works

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Tagging @gopher.ny

Other than Chrome Cast, what else is “broken”?


Anything that requires access to java.util library.

Such as????


The dashboard (some components), any timers, rule machine if using specific function calls, anything that uses the java libraries that are built-in. It could be anything depending on the developer. I posted the fix on GitHub if people want to manually tweak. Otherwise I'd recommend rolling back until they fix it in the next version.

All my speakers are working. But, I have an initialization rule running every few hours.

I’m using java libraries in a lot of places and haven’t seen an issue. If this was a big issue I’m sure there would be a lot more issues being reported. As you stated earlier you can roll back to .130 if it is an issue for you.

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