Changing the Motion Retrigger of the Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 does not apply

Changing the Motion Retrigger of the Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 does not apply.
It does not change from the default value of 30 seconds.
What should I do?

Was the sensor awake when you saved these preferences? According to a manual I can find, triple tapping the little button inside should do it (I'd do this right before or right after you hit Save Preferences or Configure). Alternatively, you can wait for its automatic wake up interval, which is probably once or twice a day or so by default, when the driver should be notified and apply the changes then.

This is assuming the parameter works as expected on your device. There may be different firmware versions out there that affect this, but the above is usually the issue with battery powered Z-Wave devices.

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Thank you. It will be changed as you told me.

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