Changing color of dashboard tile scene

I’m curious as to what happens when you press the “off” button on the dashboard? (I’ve never tried what you are trying to do - rarely use scenes… also never seen a button with an on/off switch on it!)

It just hour glasses on the tile. Refresh shows it's on, and watching the scene page it doesn't go off

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Now that I think about, mine is not actually a HE scene, it's an advanced hue integration scene that allows me to use it like that. I'll see what I can work out later today if you are still having issues.

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I have a hue bridge but the lighting there is on Caseta...

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I was literally just about to start taking a look. Let's see what I can find out....

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Thanks... I muchly appreciate muchacho...

I have a HE Scene Activator device on a dashboard using the Switch template. At first I did not have the "Ignore activate switch off?" turned on.... Yeah I know, about three true/false phrases in that one sentence, but bear with me....

When I have the scene configured like the screenshot, I can turn the scene on / off via the switch tile on the dashboard. With that setting turned on, I can only activate the scene (turn it on) with a switch tile, which doesn't tally with your earlier comment, which has me stumped.....

But hang on, now the scene activator device is not reflecting the settings in the scene child app....

Can you confirm the value of the ignoreOff State Variable on the Scene Activator device linked to the scene?

I have been able to see this change from false to true by turning on the setting from my earlier post, but cannot see it change back to false when I turn the setting off in the scene child app.

Definitely off.... Take a look at this... I captured the behavior

If you go to the Devices page there should be a device with the same name as the scene. If you open that device, I'm interested to see that ignoreOff setting shown in my last post.

Yeah it won't turn false for me at all despite the switch position on Ignore Activate Switch Off..

I can't explain why that is happening, but for scenes where I have not changed that to true at any point in the app and the device is showing false, it does appear to behave how you need it, i.e. I can turn those scenes on and off on the dashboard. So it may be a bug in how the change back to false is being handled in the scene app.

@bravenel - Could there be any issue in the scene app not adjusting the ignoreOff setting on the scene activator device when this setting is changed to false?

In the meantime, the only two options I can see would be to re-create the scene (if that is simple enough, cloning the scene child app may be worth a try), or setting up a virtual switch and a rule to try and manage it that way, until we find some other solution. Or doing nothing, that is always an option :slight_smile:

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Tried doing the latter, still wouldn't work.... I'll wait to see what @bravenel has to say... (poor dude is probably tired of getting tagged for possible bugs) :cry:

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Interesting. For giggles I switched back to the stock scene template on the dashboard and it is not working to turn it off either. I even deleted and recreated the tile. Strange indeed. Have logging enabled on the scene and it shows going on but that's it....

I would expect it is calking the same commands on the scene activator device, so I would expect the same issue.

What I was thinking.

Yes, we discovered this bug recently. It was a one-way street... Fixed in next release. This showed up when addressing the feature to allow pre-capture of the Scene devices before activation, and their restoration when the Scene activator is turned off. There will be three options: turn off devices, ignore off, and pre-capture/restore devices.