Is there a way, either in Room Lighting or Rule Machine, to presetcolortemperature over time (transition) so that temperature can be gradually changed without affecting level?
Example: change the CT temp from 3000 to 3500 over 30 minutes without altering the current bulb(s) level or turning it on if already off.
presetcolortemperature is available as a custom command but does not appear to be accessible on Room Lighting.
I was able to cobble this together in Rule Machine but it's not very elegant. On the other hand, 50 deg steps are not noticeable.
You could simplify this significantly in Rule Machine by doing a "Repeat while..." Create a local variable set to the starting value, then in a loop every minute while the variable is above the starting value:
Decrement the variable
Set the lights to the new value of the variable
That said, I'm also looking into gradually changing brightness and CT throughout the day, possibly with a custom app.
You can set the transition up in Room Lighting. I'm not sure if you can make it not turn on if the light is off. RL and I have a rather shaky relationship. But I've set up transactions that work as expected. You can designate an Activator Device. Then in your RM rule, turn the Activator Device on only if the lights are on.
To create a transaction in RL, you have to select "Create Transition" as means to activate. The set the transition time and interval. I've set it here for 1 hour with a interval of 1 minute:
Click on "Done With Means to Activate". Then click on "Set up Light Periods". On that screen you can set up your beginning and ending light temps. Just click on the temperature in the "Temp" column.