Change pantry colored light based on if dog was fed

Hey all! Swapped from ST to Hubitat, so trying to change all my webcore pistons to RM (the pistons weren't working when I ported them over) and having some issues. Basically, have 4 rules dictating the Pantry Light based on motion and if dog needs to be fed. #4 is the one I can't figure out.

  1. Pantry Light On/Off Motion - White Lights

  2. Toby Needs to be Fed (Virtual switch that changes based on if dog food has been opened/closed)

  3. Toby has been fed (Contact sensor on his dog food container)

  4. Turn on Pantry Light - Red (Dog needs to be fed) <-- the problem one

As you can see in #4 is where I'm stuck. In Webcore, I had it where the lights turned Red when the dog needed to be fed, and then if the "Feed Toby" virtual switch changed to off, then the red lights would turn back to white and normal function. But I can't seem to figure out how to write the rule to just check if the "Feed Toby" switch is changing WHILE the lights are red. I'm probably overthinking a lot of this, but any help would be appreciated!

As with many things Hubitat, there are a bunch of ways to accomplish this. I think I would add to your rule 3 to turn the lights back to white and then turn them off after a delay. Then, your rule 4 doesn't need to do anything besides change the virtual switch.

I had never considered putting a contact sensor on the dog food bin. We do have occasional issues with dog feeding in our house. The issue is not forgetting to feed her, because she reminds us. Our issue is when one of us feeds her a little early and then she convinces the other one to feed her again at the normal feeding time.


We were just discussing this!

It never occurred to me to use automation to address the issue. As soon as the Zooz remote switches are in stock I plan to dedicate one to this very function!

This was one of my top priorities with ST/Webcore because my kids are in charge of feeding the dog. It worked AMAZINGLY while I was using Smartthings, as they were able to check the pantry light to know if the dog was fed (I used to have them ask Google Home with the virtual switch to see if the dog was fed). Since they would overfeed/not feed the dog quite often.

Actually, now reading your comment and thinking about it (usually what happens after just talking it through), even though RM doesn't have the "changed" trigger like Smartthings does.. I did adjust it kinda like you said. So now Rule #1 and #2 are the same, Rule #3 just added a "set color to white, level 100", and Rule #4 is just "set color to red/turn on." Also realized in the order of things, rule #3 should actually be after #4. But, did the changes and will test out tomorrow.

Also got it for my google homes to say "feed the dog" 3 times to the speakers during dinner time too which is fun :smiley:

as an update, this works perfectly as it did before on smartthings with webcore, so things are back to normal and kids are back to feeding the dog when they see the red light!

thanks for the help.

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