Chamberlain MyQ Garage Door Support [OUT OF DATE]

Did you add the driver as well as the app?

Yes I've added both to the app code and driver code.

And you are going into the app and NOT creating the device manually?

This time around all I did was run the set up in the app and that's it, one of the previous posts above stated that would create the device automatically.

I am getting this error. I installed the app and the driver it logins into myq ok and goes throught the final step until this

Installation Details:

homie opener: problem creating door device (no-sensor type). Check your IDE to make sure the brbeaird : MyQ Garage Door Opener-NoSensor device handler is installed and published. homie opener: problem creating push button device. Check your IDE to make sure the smartthings : Momentary Button Tile device handler is installed and published.

Your SmartApp version (3.0.0) is not the latest version (2.1.6)

Do you have those two drivers loaded? Obviously it is missing one or more of them.

I'm getting this error. Any help?
app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.399 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method latestValue() on null object on line 477 (summary)

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.372 pm debugbutton devices to delete:

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.360 pm debugID's to look for: [132|GarageDoorOpener|1703264208 Opener, 132|GarageDoorOpener|1703264208 Closer]

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.359 pm debugError! Device type 'MyQ Garage Door Opener' in namespace 'brbeaird' not found

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.349 pm debugCreating door with sensor

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.348 pm debugCreating child door device 132|GarageDoorOpener|1703264208

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.340 pm debugIn CreateChild

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.338 pm debugStoring door info: The Garage Doortype: 7 status: 2 type: VGDO

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:24.336 pm debugFound door: 1703264208

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:17.758 pm debugInitializing...

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:10.764 pm debugSingle door detected (array).

app:1322019-01-17 07:02:10.763 pm debugDoors chosen: [132|GarageDoorOpener|1703264208]

it seems to be looking for a child device driver that it is unable to find.

@cwwilson08 I've confirmed that I have the app and driver loaded that have been mentioned here. I don't see a child DH available. Is there something I'm missing?

There are other drivers needed if you want to create the open and close buttons. You need to have the momentary button tile driver. Try creating without the open/close devices.

I ended up getting it working. I have to get the missing device handlers from the original source GitHub - brbeaird/SmartThings_MyQ: Integrate SmartThings with MyQ (Obsolete)

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Did you have to edit the device driver code at all? I installed all the drivers, but I'm still getting an error saying the driver for the door (NoSensor) isn't there.


I figured out the problem. I didn't change the namespace to "tchoward" in the device driver. It seems to be working now.

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I should fix that ... I need to put in some cleanup time, just been too busy...

Unlike ST, I think I can get a All-in-one device handler working, but we’ll see

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Curious what the latest is on this. Can someone point me to an up-to-date version or one that will
work with multiple doors? Currently using myq lite with ST combined with regular contact sensors. TIA!

Start here:

But you will also need the momentary button tile driver if you want to have an open device and close device or have a door with no sensor. But if your want to use a contact sensor and just control with the main device, this app and driver are all you need.

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Thanks, that's the one I've tried but it's only showing one of my doors.

But logs indicate that 2 were found. I'll start digging through the code:

and both are set up in the MyQ app under the same username? Have you tried installing another instance of the app?

The code was wrong. I fixed it and submitted pull requests; @thomas.c.howard accepted the changes in his version.


Your fork seems to install without a hitch, any chance you would consider adding the ability to disable the debug logging?

This was great! Finally able to get my garage doors integrated into the Hubitat ecosystem...thank you!