January 7, 2022, 11:01pm
I use zigbee Konke Temperature/Humidity sensors. The update frequency is decent - they report temperature very 10 minutes; however the event log only contains changed temperatures. Here are the event logs from two of my 12 sensors:
I don't see a lot of over or undershoot - the more sensors one has, the less likely this is to occur.
I strongly recommend the GoControl over the Honeywell T6. I have had both.
Advanced GoControl GC-TBZ-48 and GC-TBZ-48L Thermostat
Key Driver capabilities
Temperature Measurement
Thermostat (obviously)
Filter Status
Periodic clock synchronization to prevent clock drift
Filter status based on run-time and user configurable times, device and driver will report filter change needed
Real-time scp and mech statuses
Work around for quirky / unreliable device reporting of thermostat operating state
All device configurable options available in t…
Although I just use the built-in Generic Z-Wave Plus Thermostat driver.
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