CentraLite Outlet Spamming Log

I have a CentraLite Outlet that is spamming the log with power reporting. On the device, I have selected Disabled for power reporting, but yet it is still reporting. Is there any way to get this to stop? See screenshots below. Let me know if I can provide anything else. Thanks!


Did you hit "Configure" after you saved the new preferences?

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Yes, I have. Just tried it again and it has not changed. Still spamming the log every second.

Configure should not be run after saving preferences.
Can post the live logs when save preferences is executed?

Well, this is strange. In the drop down under power reporting I selected "No Selection", hit save, and it seems to have stopped it. Not sure why it didn't change when I tried different watt and disabled setting before. That said, it looks like this is resolved.